Pt. 1. Reports (v. 1-12, serial 1-12)
Pt. 2. Record of events (v. 1-69, serial 13-100).
v. 8-9. Warren court of Inquiry
v. 10. Morrison court-martial; Myer report
v. 15. California; Colorado; Connecticut - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-8th)
v. 16. Connecticut - Inf.(9th-28th); Dakota; Delaware
v. 17. District of Columbia; Florida; Georgia (Union); Georgia (Conf.) - Cavalry, artillery
v. 18. Georgia (Conf.) - Inf.(1st-46th)
v. 19. Georgia (Conf.) - Inf.(47th-Mil.); Illinois - Cav.(1st-9th)
v. 20. Illinois - Cav.(10th-misc.), Arty., Inf.(7th-12th)
v. 21. Illinois - Inf.(13th-24th)
v. 22. Illinois - Inf.(25th-37th)
v. 23. Illinois - Inf.(38th-49th)
v. 24. Illinois - Inf.(50th-72nd)
v. 25. Illinois - Inf.(73rd-100th)
v. 26. Illinois - Inf.(101st-134th)
v. 27. Illinois - Inf.(135th-misc.); Indiana - Cav., Arty., Inf.(6th-8th)
v. 28. Indiana - Inf.(9th-32nd)
v. 29. Indiana - Inf.(33rd-68th)
v. 30. Indiana - Inf.(69th-misc.)
v. 31. Iowa - Cav., Arty., Inf,.(1st-9th)
v. 32. Iowa - Inf.(10th-33rd)
v. 33. Iowa - Inf.(34th-48th); Kansas; Kentucky (Conf.) - Cav.(1st-11th)
v. 34. Kentucky (Union) - Cav.(12th-misc.), Arty., Inf.
v. 35. Kentucky (Conf.); Louisiana (Union); Louisiana (Conf.) - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-4th)
v. 36. Louisiana (Conf.) - Inf.(5th-misc.)
v. 37. Maine - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-27th)
v. 38. Maine - Inf.(28th-misc.); Maryland (Union)
v. 39. Maryland (Conf.); Massachusetts - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-9th)
v. 40. Massachusetts - Inf.(10th-30th)
v. 41. Massachusetts - Inf.(31st-misc.); Michigan - Cav.(1st-4th)
v. 42. Michigan - Cav.(5th-misc.), Arty., Eng. & Mech., Sharpshooters, Inf.(1st-9th)
v. 43. Michigan - Inf.(10th-misc.); Minnesota - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-4th)
v. 44. Minnesota - Inf.(5th-11th); Mississippi (Union); Mississippi (Conf.) - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-3rd)
v. 45. Mississippi (Conf.) - Inf.(4th-30th)
v. 46. Mississippi (Conf.) - Inf.(31st-misc.); Missouri (Union) - Cav.(1st-4th)
v. 47. Missouri (Union) - Cav.(4th St. Mil.-misc.)
v. 48. Missouri (Union) - Arty., Eng. Infl(1st-11th)
v. 49. Missouri (Union) - Inf.(12th-40th)
v. 50. Missouri (Union) - Inf.(41st-misc.); Missouri (Conf.); Nebraska - Cav.(1st-1st Bn.)
v. 51. Nebraska - Cav.(2nd.-Misc); Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-2nd)
v. 52. New Jersey - Inf.(3rd-40th)
v. 53. New Mexico; New York - Cav., Hvy. Arty.(2nd-7th)
v. 54. New York - Hyv. Arty.(8th-1st Marine), Lt. Arty.(1st-34th Ind.Btty.), Inf.(1st-9th)
v. 55. New York - Inf.(10th-47th St. Mil.)
v. 56. New York - Inf.(48th-75th)
v. 57. New York - Inf.(76th-102nd N.G.)
v. 58. New York - Inf.(103rd-139th)
v. 59. New York Inf.(140th-misc.).
v. 60. North Carolina (Union); North Carolina (Conf.) - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-25th)
v. 61. North Carolina (Conf.) - Inf.(26th-misc.); Ohio - Cav.(1st-6th)
v. 62. Ohio - Cav.(7th-misc.), Arty., Inf.(S.S.; 1st Inf.-6th Res. Mil.)
v. 63. Ohio - Inf.(7th-27th)
v. 64. Ohio - Inf.(28th-54th)
v. 65. Ohio - Inf.(55th-76th)
v. 66. Ohio - Inf.(77th-103rd)
v. 67. Ohio - Inf.(104th-142nd N.G.)
v. 68. Ohio - Inf.(143rd N.G.-misc.); Oregon; Pennsylvania - Cav.(1st-6th)
v. 69. Pennsylvania - Cav.(7th-misc.), Arty.(2nd Hvy.)
v. 70. Pennsylvania - Arty.(2nd Prov.-misc.), Inf.(1st-20th)
v. 71. Pennsylvania - Inf.(21st-56th)
v. 72. Pennysylvania - Inf.(57th-88th)
v. 73. Pennsylvania - Inf.(90th-115th)
v. 74. Pennsylvania - Inf.(116th-165th)
v. 75. Pennsylvania - Inf.(166th-misc.); Rhode Island
v. 76. South Carolina - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-11th)
v. 77. South Carolina - Inf.(11th Res.-misc.); Tennessee (Union)
v. 78. Tennessee (Conf.) - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-23rd)
v. 79. Tennessee (Conf.) - Inf.(24th-misc.); Texas (Union); Texas (Conf.) - Cav.(1st-12th)
v. 80. Texas (Conf.) - Cav.(13th-misc.), Arty., Inf.(1st-15th)
v. 81. Texas (Conf.) - Inf.(18th-misc.); Vermont; Virginia (Union); Virginia (Conf.) - Cav.(1st-10th)
v. 82. Virginia (Conf.) - Cav.(11th-misc.), Arty., Inf.(1st-4th)
v. 83. Virginia (Conf.) - Inf.(4th Res.-25th)
v. 84. Virginia (Conf.) - Inf.(25th Bn.-64th Mil.)
v. 85. Virginia (Conf.) - Mil.-misc.; Confederate Troops; Washington Territory; West Virginia - Cav.(1st-3rd)
v. 86. West Virginia - Cav.(4th-7th), Arty., Inf.; Wisconsin - Cav.
v. 87. Wisconsin - Arty., Inf.(1st-14th)
v. 88. Wisconsin - Inf.(15th-40th)
v. 89. Wisconsin - Inf.(41st-53rd); U.S. Colored Troops - Cav., Arty., Inf.(1st-41st)
v. 90. U.S. Colored Troops - Inf.(42nd-92nd)
v. 91. U.S. Colored Troops - Inf.(93rd-misc.); U.S. Volunteers; U.S. Vet. Res. Corps - (1st-14th Regt.)
v. 92. U.S. Vet. Res. Corp -m (15th Regt-misc.) - Misc. Units.
v. 93. Correspondence v.1. Addendum 1861-1862, Union (Jan.-July); Conf. (Jan.-Feb.)
v. 94. Correspondence v.2. Addendum 1962, Union (Aug.-Dec.); Conf. (Mar.-Dec.)
v. 95. Correspondence v.3. Addendum 1863, 1864, 1865